
Monday, August 13, 2012

Autumn Walk HOA Actions

Consolidated Record of Pending or Completed Actions: Last Updated 4/24/2013
  • 2013-06-03: 2013 Autumn Walk Elections: Votes on expansion of Board from 3 to 5 members, then will vote on one or three vacancies for 2-year terms
  • 2013-05-15: Emerson Presidents: Emerson Presidents exchange information
  • 2013-04-25: 2013 Call for Nominations and Newsletter: Mailing Begins of Call for Nominations (Autumn Walk Elections) and Autumn Walk Newsletter
  • 2013-04-23: Review of Landscaping Issues: CAS meets with Brickman to review landscaping issues and discuss mowing inside fenced yards.
  • 2013-04-22: Homeowner Request for Landscaping Changes: Homeowner asks for the process to change plants in front beds. Fred queries Emerson, reviews bylaws. Response pending.
  • 2013-04-20: Residents Propose Flamingo Fridays: Publicized in Newsletter, on web site, Facebook. First event will be 5/10/13.
  • 2013-03-25: Final Snow of Season: Did not require snow removal from sidewalks. Autumn Walk snow budget was not needed this winter.
  • 2013-03-15: Street Dedication: Fred contacted Howard County to find out status of handover from Builder to Howard County maintenance of street. Punchlist is being addressed, Howard County expects it to be on the docket in June.
  • 2013-04-11: Quarterly Financial Report: CAS provides 1Q-2013 financial report showing income and expenses. Fred reviews.
  • 2013-03-15: Financial Controls: Fred queries CAS on financial controls and crime insurance policy. CAS provides detailed response on 4/1/13. Recommends independent audit.
  • 2013-03-13: Emerson Presidents: Emerson Presidents exchange information
  • 2013-03-11: HVAC and Humidifier Presentation: Fred worked with ARS to provide free presentation on HVAC systems and Aprilaire humidifiers, hosted by Jenny
  • 2013-02-10: 2012 Tax Returns: Fred signs tax returns for 2012
  • 2013-01-09: Tax and Audit Engagement: Fred signs letter authorizing accountants to start Autumn Walk taxes
  • 2013-01-01: Landscaping Contract Signed: Autumn Walk authorizes 3-year full-mowing maintenance contract. Added pesticide treatments (twice in 2013, annual thereafter). Snow removal to be performed on as-needed basis for sidewalks adjacent to parking spaces and common areas & mailboxes only.
  • 2012-12-21: Speed Limit: Speed limit reduced to 15 mph for safety reasons.
  • 2012-12-18: 2013 Management Contract: Board voted 3-0 to continue management contract with CAS for 2013 under the same terms as 2012
  • 2012-12-02: Turf torn up: Turf torn up behind Lots 25-27, 28; possibly from animals digging for grubs - Board voted 2-0 to contract for 2 grub treatments in 2013, treatments began c. 4/5/13
  • 2012-12-02: Recycling trash: Recycling trash loose after collection, probably from overfilled bins - Posted to web site on 12/17/12, followed with email
  • 2012-11-27: Erosion on slope (Slope belonging to The Landings behind Lots 5-11): Grass is not growing properly. Also possible dead trees behind Lot 4. The Landings still managed by Builder (Williamsburg). Resolution: President contacted Williamsburg on 12/4/12; they inspected, will repair in the Spring. Lot 11, however, is on Autumn Walk property and must be addressed by us.  (Follow-up: Fred contacted new President of The Landing on 4/16/13; CAS also inspected with Brickman on 4/22 and 4/23.)
  • 2012-11-19: 2013 Assessments: New budget adopted, fees will rise to cover cost of full mowing service effective Jan. 2013. New HOA fee coupons will be mailed by CAS.
  • 2012-11-19: Drainage Issues (Common Area Between Lots 4 & 5): Standing water after every rain
  • 2012-11-19: Public Trees: Evaluate trees for replacement near lots 21, 27 & 28; question about long-term effect of roots
  • 2012-11-19: Snow Removal: Resolve whether Builder or HOA will remove snow prior to County takeover in 2013 (Closed 11/29/12: Miller & Smith will pick up cost for one final season. Expect to sign contract for sidewalk snow removal on 2012-12-03.)
  • 2012-11-19: Next HOA Meeting: Completed, Budget Adopted - Approval of CY2013 Budget and Assessments - Formal Notification Mailed 30 days prior
  • 2012-11-15: Handover Punchlist: List of Items HOA would like Builder to address (Status: List provided to CAS to determine which items will be addressed by Builder)
  • 2012-10-31: Residents Organize Halloween Parade
  • 2012-10-21: Request for Maintenance Reminder (Mulched Beds) 
  • 2012-09-12: Request to Address Dog Waste Problem: Posted messages 10/9/12; signs budgeted for FY13
  • 2012-09-03: Residents Request Traffic Changes for Street (Action: Fred) - Howard County traffic engineer recommended lowering speed limit to 15 mph plus curve warning sign. Will be Autumn Walk responsibility. CAS checking whether Howard County can provide the sign(s) for installation. 
  • 2012-08-27: Autumn Walk Facebook Page Goes Live (forum for residents only)
  • 2012-08-16: Blog Goes Live! Comments requested
  • 2012-08-13: Draft Blog Created: Comments requested
  • 2012-08-12: Budget and Financial Reserve Analysis: Completed 10/17/12 (Assigned to Fred)
  • 2012-08-10: Drainage Issues: Runoff in Swale: Pending
  • 2012-08-09: Drainage Issues: HVAC discharge: Connected to underground drainage 9/12/12
  • 2012-08-09: Mowing Issues: CAS walkthrough with Contractor, obtaining recommendations from Contractor on how to maintain drainage, HVAC, and reforestation areas (in progress)
  • 2012-08-03: Request for No Soliciting Sign: Board Approved 3-0, Action Pending (CAS)
  • 2012-08-01: Survey of Property: Board (Fred) walk-through with CAS and M&S, follow-up in progress
  • 2012-07-30: 2011 Tax Returns: President signed Federal and State Tax Returns for 2011, as prepared by CAS.
  • 2012-07-30: Mowing Issues: Contractor remediated (mowed; subsequent clean up), will provide recommendations
  • 2012-07-28: Information Sharing: Restricted Facebook Page established - Residents requested forum for sharing information; needed to find ways to control access
  • 2012-08-01: Playground Query: Information provided to resident on existing facilities
  • 2012-07-23: Inquiry on Pet Restrictions: HOA defers to State and County law; CAS provided research results
  • 2012-07-20: No Parking Inquiry: Pending - CAS following up with M&S, area is a fire lane. Signs will be posted and curbs painted.
  • 2012-07-19: Request for Parking Policy: Pending; message sent via e-mail 11/13/12 (Assigned to Damon)
  • 2012-07-17: Inquiry on Paying HOA Dues: Responded with info on payment and auto-debit; second inquiry received on 2012-08-14, answer posted to FAQ
  • 2012-07-15: Picnic Committee Established: Board appointed 6 residents, established budget
  • 2012-07-07: Newsletter: First issue e-mailed to residents, hardcopy provided 
  • 2012-07-05: Full-Service Landscaping Contract Awarded: Board Action 3-0, assessment fees will remain same for CY2012. Residents informed of potential incidental issues.
  • 2012-07-05: Mailing list created: E-mails obtained for almost all residents, GMail account created for HOA
  • 2012-06-23: Builder turns over HOA to residents at Annual Meeting: Three Board Members elected

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