
Monday, October 28, 2019

Draft Minutes: 2019 Autumn Walk HOA Annual Meeting 10/28/19

The 2019 Autumn Walk HOA Annual Meeting and Elections were held on Monday, October 28, 2019 at 7 PM in the Emerson Clubhouse. Fred Leong took the minutes as he did for 2018 as well.

·        Attendance:
o   Present (4): (9811) Dharmesh, (9832) Allie, (9854) Fred; (9836) Tammy
o   Proxies (13): 9807; 9810; 9812; 9814; 9830; 9837; 9840; 9844; 9846; 9847; 9848; 9853; 9858
o   Management: April Day, CAS Inc.
·        Agenda
o   Quorum Established (17 accounted for, 12 needed)
o   Call to Order and Introductions
o   Adopt 2018 Minutes
o   Financial Review
§  2020 Budget
o   Presidents Report
§  Yearly Overview
§  Community Gatherings/Events
§  Landscape Beautification
§  Snow Removal
§  Misc
o   Proposals
o   Elections (2 open positions)
o   Residents Forum

1.     Board proposes Picnic for Sunday, May 17
a.     Pizza party with drinks, rest is potluck
b.     Will check that location is available, and that residents can attend
2.     Landscaping
a.     Please remember to keep your yards accessible for the landscaping contract, and avoid having anything breakable in your yards
b.     Will remove dead bushes on traffic islands (both large and small), just replace with mulch
c.     Board will add removing weeds in sidewalk cracks to Landscaping contract; will get a price on full weeding
d.     Authorized up to $5000 for an improvement project (does not have to be in those locations), resident proposals requested
e.     Board votes to ask if the sub-HOAs will jointly formally request that Emerson cover tree trimming and snow removal on major roads throughout Emerson
                                               i.     Affects appearance of entire community and budget has cashflow
3.     Emerson Election
a.     Need 169 houses to reach quorum, will have proxy forms at Halloween Block Party
4.     Home Maintenance: Emerson Violations
a.     Many houses received violations for fences, but confusion as to which fences belong to which house, especially when there are two dividers – is it the property line, or the side facing your house that matters?
                                               i.     Who cleans, paints, replaces fence?
                                             ii.     Will get clarification from Emerson
b.     Board will need to inspect Autumn Walk in late May
                                               i.     Yards should replace landscaping with something if everything has been removed
                                             ii.     Also some yards typically need cleanup, usually weeding
5.     2020 Budget adopted
a.     One-time deficit for landscaping improvement project
b.     Want to avoid raising fees as long as possible
6.     Elections
a.     Dharmesh Patel, Fred Leong reappointed to 2-year terms (no other applications received)

1)    7:02 Call to Order (Dharmesh)
2)    Introductions
3)    7:04 Adopt 2018 Minutes (Motion: Fred; Second: Dharmesh; Passed 3-0)
4)    Proposals
a)     Add weeding to landscaping contract (Motion: Fred, but withdraws it because he is concerned over the cost)
i)      Fred estimates in 3 years would require we would have to raise the fees if we want to avoid deficit spending on a continuing basis, if there is inflation
ii)     Neighborhood looks good with Fall mulching
iii)   ACTION: Board decides to defer but April will get a price
b)    Remove dead bushes from small traffic island (Motion: Fred; Second: Allie; Passed 3-0)
i)      Died possibly due to dogs
ii)     Probably cost c $500 to do both
c)     Remove dead bushes from large island (Motion: Fred; Second: Allie; Passed 3-0)
i)      Possibly died due to snow (salt)
d)    Motions pass
i)      ACTION: Ask Johnson Landscaping to remove, fill in the holes, and remulch
e)    Authorize up to $5000 for resident-driven landscaping improvements (Motion: Fred; Second: Dharmesh; Passed 3-0)
i)      Proposals to Board
ii)     Board will select/approve
iii)   Make a one-time deficit
iv)   ACTION: Announce to community, solicit proposals
f)      Set Picnic for Spring/Summer 2020 (Motion: Fred; Second: Allie; Passed 3-0)
i)      Sunday, propose May 17 
(1)   See if people can make it
(2)   Emerson Pool Party usually 1st or 2nd Saturday in June
ii)     Budget of no more than $200 for pizza, drinks, supplies, rest potluck
(1)   Is the $250 budget enough
iii)   At end of cul-de-sac
iv)   ACTION: Announce to community, find out if the date will work
g)     Discontinue Welcome Baskets (Motion: Fred; Second: Allie; Passed 3-0)
h)    Ask Emerson to cover tree trimming and snow removal along major roads (Motion: Fred; Second: Dharmesh)
i)      Formally do it in conjunction with other subs
ii)     Apparently Emerson is bidding out the main contract
(1)   Possibly our contractor will bid, but he is committed to maintaining quality work
(a)   CAS and Board are concerned that he doesn’t grow too quickly and be unable to provide good service
(b)  We all believe service has been good in this first year, condition is good and issues are addressed immediately when brought to their attention
(2)   We will continue to monitor
iii)   Rationale: Emerson has excess cashflow now, and this has a huge impact on the appearance of Emerson
iv)   Fred suggests that all or most of the sub-HOAs coordinate to request this
(1)   ACTION: April, Fred, Dharmesh to contact the Presidents
5)    Discussions
a)     Silicone adhesive to reattach the decorative star on the monument sign
i)      ACTION: Dharmesh will reattach, go buy some silicone adhesive
b)    Plowing of parking spaces, liability?
i)      Dharmesh will ensure these are done
ii)     Johnson calls ahead with the storm forecast
iii)   Leave as judgment call, and monitor this year
c)     Emerson Election
i)      Need 169 proxies for quorum
ii)     ACTION: Can have proxy forms at the Halloween Block Party to help reach this number
d)    Violations – Emerson sent violations for many fences, as well as cleaning siding
i)      Much confusion about who owns the fences and whether it’s just one side
(1)   The issue is that many of the fences are dividers between two properties
(2)   Who owns the fence? And when a violation is received, which fence is it and is the responsibility for painting or cleaning one side of the fence, or both?
ii)     Everyone was interpreting this differently
(1)   Fred interprets as the fence belongs to the owner of the property on which it resides
(a)   Fence always sits on only one property
(b)  Thus if it needs cleaning, painting, or replacement, that owner would do the work
(2)   Others interpret it as a shared property
(a)   Clean and paint the side facing your property
(b)  Jointly replace if necessary
iii)   Concern that people would have to go onto someone else’s property to paint the other side of the fence (for example stand on someone’s patio), even though the fences seem to fit on one property
iv)   ACTION: Allie: Will ask for clarification from Emerson (Steffanie Nollie) and report back
(1)   Painting/cleaning
(2)   Replacement
(3)   April looking at Emerson guidelines – say maintaining structures on their lot
e)    Landscaping contract: keep yards accessible, avoid breakable items
i)      No breakage this past year, but we should remind people of this anyway
ii)     ACTION: Send reminder in email/web site
f)      Removal of major landscaping, condition
i)      Autumn Walk HOA to inspect
ii)     April says they usually inspect early Summer; not in Spring – coming out of winter, and many people haven’t yet started their projects
(1)   Recommends early Summer, c. end of May, early June
(a)   ACTION: Board to inspect in late May, April will send letters if necessary
(2)   Should be just a few yards – weeding, landscaping sparse; mostly just cleanup which could be taken care of in a day
6)    8:04 Adopt 2020 Budget (Motion: Dharmesh; Second: Allie; Passed 3-0)
a)     Per the previous discussion, the only unusual item is that we are taking $2500 in unspent Landscaping Improvement funds from 2019, and combining with $2500 for 2020 to potentially be able to do a more significant project
i)      Looking for resident suggestions/proposals
b)    This leads to a one-time deficit of $2500
c)     We are roughly three years ahead of our Reserve Study requirements, but do not want deficit spending in principle
7)    Residents Forum
a)     Tammy: Get Johnson to spray between the cracks to get rid of the grass in sidewalks
i)      ACTION: April to ask to add to Johnson contract
b)    Fred: Landscaping contract: renewing at same price?
i)      This was written into last year’s contract
ii)     Unknown this year if they will agree again for 2021
c)     Tammy: dead tree branch on the tree in her yard – should she take it off
i)      Yes
d)    Car that was parked is now gone, Emerson tagged it
e)    Tammy: redo their landscaping, submit to Emerson or Autumn Walk or both?
f)      Fred: Is there some point at which the trees should be trimmed?
i)      Dharmesh: Bob will let us know if a major trimming is needed
ii)     Fred: Unclear at what point most of the trees will need major work, some trees grow much faster due to specific location (e.g., sunlight)
iii)   April: start examining around 10 year mark
g)     Miscellaneous
i)      Tammy comments that the Halloween decorations and monument sign lighting look good
ii)     April says Summer’s Choice hopes to add similar sign across from us
8)    8:25 Elections
a)     Two positions open
i)      Dharmesh Patel (2019), President
ii)     Fred Leong (2019) – VP, Secretary, Communications
iii)   Allie Stegner (2020)
b)    Nominations: No applications received
i)      Dharmesh, Fred both will stand for the Board again
c)     Motion to reappoint Dharmesh and Fred to 2-year terms
i)      Passed 3-0

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