Saturday, January 4, 2025

Potential Snow, Parking Issues

 We hope everyone had a great holiday season! With potentially heavy snow next week with some forecasts calling for more than 5 inches, here are a few things to keep in mind.

(However, we are near the boundary to snow-sleet so the actual outcome could be very different.)

1. Please remember not to block the gutters or storm grates (ideally leave a shovel's width of clear space at the curb). 

  • After heavy snows it's important to leave a channel for the melt-off to reach the drains, or else we can end up with large puddles in the street that freeze over at night.

2. It's also important not to block the streets so emergency vehicles can get through.

  • We need to remind everybody that the Howard County Fire Marshal made the traffic islands "No Parking" zones (and they are marked as such).
  • This is to allow the emergency vehicles to get through, and also because it's necessary for the fire trucks to set up outriggers to stabilize them to reach the third stories.
This can be a critical safety issue, so please don't block the ambulances, fire trucks, and snow plows!

3. If we do get a heavy snow, trash and recycling collection may be impacted, and might get delayed and slide to another day.

Everyone stay safe and stay warm!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Corrected Date: 2024 AWHOA Annual Meeting (Tue. 11/18/24 @ 7pm)

Our apologies, but the wrong date was sent in the mailer for the 2024 Autumn Walk HOA Annual Meeting.

Note that the meeting is on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024 at 7pm (not Monday as stated in the mailing).

All other information including the Zoom Call dial-in, meeting number, and passcode remain the same.

Agenda items:

  • State of the HOA
  • Budget
  • Elections

Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Time: 7pm

Location: Via Zoom (see mailer or contact us)

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Neighborhood Halloween Gathering: Saturday 11/2/24 @ 4 pm

Unfortunately there weren't enough entries to have a Chili Cookoff this year, but Allie and Joe will still be hosting a neighborhood gathering Saturday 11/2/24 at 4 pm so come on by 9832 Garden Ranges!

Feel free to bring a snack or a dish to share.

I didn't want to waste Mia's great flyer so it's below, even without the Chili Contest.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Howard County Office of Sustainability Townhall (Wed. 10/23/24 @ 6:30 pm)

Howard County's Office of Community Sustainability will host a Sustainability Townhall in the Emerson Clubhouse on Wed., Oct. 23, 2024 at 6:30 pm.

The purpose of the Office of Community Sustainability is to coordinate a comprehensive approach that addresses environmental, economic, and social needs, to include managing the effects of climate change.

Come hear leaders of the department explain what they are doing and ask your questions. Learn what we can do as individuals and as a community to promote a healthy future!

To get started, go to their web page at Live Green Howard:

The overall goals of Live Green Howard are to:

  • Increase Howard County residents’ knowledge about local sustainability issues.
  • Increase Howard County residents’ participation in Howard County government and non-government sustainability projects.
  • Collect Howard County government sustainability and environmental programs in one online location,

Howard County Sustainability Town Hall

Date: Wed: October 23, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Emerson Clubhouse, 8400 Upper Sky Way, Laurel, MD 20723

Friday, October 4, 2024

** Rescheduled **Understanding Medicare Session at Emerson Clubhouse Thu. 10/22/24 @ 7 pm

*** This seminar has been rescheduled to Tuesday, October. 22, 2024 at 7 pm. ***

Emerson resident Bob Anantua is offering a free informational session about understanding Medicare at the Emerson Clubhouse next Tuesday, October 22nd at 6 pm.

The A, B, C, D of Medicare

Understanding My Health Benefits
Join Small Business Alliance Group for the Important Medicare Education Event

• Medicare Part A, B,C, D
• Medicare Advantage
• Medicare Supplement
• Drug Assistance Program
• HMO, PPO, PDP, SNP, MA Plans

When: October 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM October 22, 2024 at 7 PM
Where: Emerson Clubhouse
8400 Upper Sky Way, Laurel, MD 20723

Goal: To answer all your Medicare questions

RSVP/Questions by sending email to:
Or by calling Jean-Robert Anantua at 443-285-3956

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Public Info Session: Gorman/Skylark Roundabout 10/22/24 @ 5 pm

Howard County has scheduled a public information session for the proposed Gorman/Skylark Roundabout, on Tue. 10/22/24 from 5-6:30 pm at Murray Middle School.

This is what you will find if you go to the link and search for 09J under Public Works:

Sign Code: 09J

Project Name: Gorman Road/Skylark Boulevard Roundabout
Project Request: The goal of the project is to enhance traffic operations and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists in North Laurel by converting the stop-controlled intersection to a single-lane roundabout. The project also includes marked crosswalks and bicycle treatments, which provide cyclists approaching the roundabout the option to exit at bicycle ramps and use the proposed pathway. The preliminary design plans will be available for public viewing, and County staff will be available to answer any questions and gather public comments. There will not be a formal presentation.
Project Address: Gorman Road/Skylark Boulevard Intersection
Project City: Laurel
Project State: 
Zipcode: 20723

Meeting Date: 10/22/2024 12:00:00 AM
Meeting Time: 5-6:30pm
Meeting Place: Murray Hill Middle School
Meeting Address: 9989 Winter Sun Road

DPW Bureau/Division: Engineering/Transportation & Special Projects
Contact Name: Caitlin Kovel
Contact Phone: 410-313-6142

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Autumn Walk HOA News 10/1/24

We have quite a lot of important information to cover this time so I will try to summarize it and then provide links for more detailed information below. Please let us know if you have any questions, thanks!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Autumn Walk Ice Cream Social (Sat. 6/9/24 @ 2-4pm)

One of our residents, 10-year old Mia, has made a flyer to invite you all to the 2024 Autumn Walk Ice Cream Social on Saturday, June 9th from 2-4 pm!

Ice cream will be served at 9832 and the plan is to socialize on the large island. Everyone is invited!

Please RSVP by going to the link on the flyer

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Please Moderate Your Speed

We have been asked to remind everyone to moderate your speed as you drive down our street, as many small children live here and we have a bit of a blind turn in the middle of the block.

We know that none of us wants to see an accident occur here, especially if a small child were to unexpectedly run into the street.

Thanks, and enjoy our great Spring weather!

Monday, November 13, 2023

2023 Autumn Walk HOA Minutes

The Minutes from the 2023 Autumn Walk HOA (AWHOA) Annual Meeting and Elections are below.

The key results are: 

  1. The Board voted to adopt the proposed budget with a $10/month increase that both gets us out of operational deficit, and funds the large mandatory increase in Reserve requirements after the new Reserve Study in 2023 doubled the expected replacement cost of the retaining wall at the end of the street.
  2. If you pay through your bank you must change the payment amount. Auto-debit through CAS will withdraw the correct amount. New coupon books for those who pay by check are expected in late December.
  3. The Board and CAS Management will look into the cost of a forensic engineering analysis of this retaining wall since it dominates our Reserve requirements and the projected expense more than doubled.
  4. Dharmesh Patel was re-elected to the Board, with his term expiring in 2026.
  5.  Fred will update the Contact information on the web site sent to him by April of CAS Management, to ensure everyone knows how to set up payments, especially with the increase.

2023 Autumn Walk HOA Annual Meeting 

Date: November 13, 2023

Location: Via Zoom


1.     Board & Management Team:

a.     Dharmesh Patel (President), 9811

b.     Fred Leong (Vice President, Communications), 9854

c.      Allie Stegner (Member-at-Large), 9832

d.     April Day, Community Manager, Community Association Services, Inc. (CAS)

2.     Residents

a.     Attending (2): Oge (9806), AJ (9838); partway through meeting Issy (9809)

b.     Proxies (12): 9804, 9810, 9814, 9819, 9838, 9843, 9846, 9848, 9851, 9852, 9853, 9860


·       2022 Minutes

·       Report on Past Year

·       Landscaping, Reserve Study

·       Discussion

·       Resident’s Forum

·       Elections

·       Budget, Fees


2023 Meeting Notes:

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Bollywood Flamingo Friday 8/11/23

The next Flamingo Friday will be hosted by 9846 on Friday, August 11, 2023 at 6 pm. They will provide beverages and Indian appetizers, and everyone is welcome to bring other items - or just show up!

These are informal events hosted by residents to give everyone a chance to meet and mingle!

Storm Damage

At least one of the street trees was damaged by the storm yesterday (August 7th) so you might want to both inspect your property and keep an eye out for latent damage (for example, in the past vent covers have blown off the roof in big storms leading to leaks later).

Street trees (in front of the houses) are homeowner responsibility, while Common Area trees should be directed to the attention of Autumn Walk HOA. Thanks!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Emerson Pool Opening Date

The Emerson HOA Front Office sent out an update on the 2023 Pool Opening via email, that I have reposted to the Autumn Walk Facebook Forum.


  1. Target date is Saturday, 6/24/23
  2. The smoke from the Canadian Wildfires forced BGE to reschedule electrical work, which also impacted pool preparation work by American Pools, and the Howard County inspection.
  3. Pump room equipment and temporary shower/restroom trailers have been installed.
  4. Entrance will be from the parking lot by the Kiddie Pool, temporary fencing has been installed.
  5. Staffing ready to go.
Residents will receive an invitation to register via Amenity Linc software. If you don't receive your invitation contact the front office.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Flamingo Friday 5/19/23

Fred will be hosting a Flamingo Friday this week on Friday, May 19th from 6 pm - 8 pm at 9854. Everyone is welcome to stop by for beverages, some light desserts, and maybe some appetizers.

  • Since it's been a few years since we've had one of these events, the key thing to know is that anyone can host a Flamingo Friday, and the intent is simply to give neighbors a chance to gather and socialize in a casual setting.
  • Also, we can help you publicize a different date if Friday doesn't work for your schedule, but this is a resident-driven event and not an official HOA activity.
  • You can add something to drink or light snacks if you wish, but we hope you attend even if you don't have something to bring!
All of our residents, as well as our "alumni" and close friends, are welcomed!

For some of the history of Flamingo Fridays and the original idea you can visit the page:

We hope to see many of you on Friday, if just for a little while!

Ground Nesting Bees

The Ground Nesting Bees are back, and we have been coordinating with Emerson HOA and Skylark Ridge HOA to let them stay because they are beneficial pollinators, not dangerous, and temporary.

As the sign below from the University of Maryland Extension Service states:

The soil mounds you see on the ground belong to ground nesting bees, also known as mining bees.

These bees are...

  • Not aggressive: rarely sting and do not aggressively defend their nests
  • Temporary: their flying activity only lasts 2-4 weeks
  • Caring for their young: their burrows are underground
    to protect young ("baby") bees. The female bee brings nectar and pollen to the burrow to feed her young
  • Important pollinators: help pollinate wildflowers, fruits and vegetables, and a variety of other crops
  • Losing their habitat: due to urbanization and pesticide use

To learn more, visit:

You can also visit: